Sunday 3 November 2013

Interactive workshops for all ages and sexes

Teaching the values of  handmade,
 Interactive workshops for all ages and sexes 
        !reserve your bookings, dont delay!
for; special needs education schools (with exeptional experience),
colleges and schools, 
comunity asociations
cultural asociations
 womens institutes,

there is no age to begin the young ones have the advantage of  having curious minds and a hunger to learn 
although this craft has always been dominted by men, here we can see that the girls are as much interested and capable  as the boys in this day and age and that they want the same oportunities



  1. Experienci pedagoxica:

    Colexio Lar Puxeiros-Mos -Pontevedra

    Co-directora Guarderia Los Pitufos .Vigo-Pontevedra

    Colexio Juan Maria Parada -Nigrán -Ponteevdra

    Colexio de ensino especial Amencer Pontevedra


  2. Titulos
    Licenciada en Filosofia e Ciencias de la Educación pola Universidade de Santiago de Compostela nas especialidades de .

    1-Orientación e Educación Especial

    2-Intervención Socio-Educativa

    Colexiada Xoieira polo colexio de Xoieiros e prateiros de Galicia

    Carta de Artesán

    Taller artesan recoñocido pola Xunta de Galicia


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